Student discipline is one of major concerns at the center of adolescent life. LKCS, Gurugram implements a set of school rules and regulations that embodies standards of behavior befitting mature and responsible adolescents. LKCS, Gurugram students are expected to observe standards of behavior that are stated as Commitments to a life of Discipline, Excellence, Dedication and adherence to these standards of behavior contribute to the attainment of the school’s mission and goals.
The act of enrollment confirms the fact that the student and his parents agree to abide by the school policies, rules, and regulations on discipline.
## Observance of peace and order within the school premises.
## Care and protection of all school property.
## Prompt and regular attendance in all classes.
## Wearing of Complete Uniform
a. Honesty at all times.
b. Fairness, courtesy, and respect toward others.
c. Respect toward school and national symbols.